Climbing on Dartmoor

Outdoor Climbing Sessions with Encompass Training - these sessions are run by a qualified climbing instructor & DBS checked. The sessions last for approximately 2.5 hours, meeting at 12.45, sessions 13.00 - 15:30 at the car parks described below. 

The cost for these sessions is £16 per person or £100 for all 7 sessions you can pick sessions below. All sessions need to be pre-booked & paid. Please be aware that sessions are limited to 8 participates (minimum number is 5). Suitable for age 8 upwards.

Meeting Locations for climbing on Dartmoor

Haytor Tor
Hound Tor

There are no sessions available currently but please get in touch if you are interested as we can sometimes create sessions to suit. 

Watch this space for upcoming sessions.

Rock Climging on DartmoorImage
Climbing on Dartmoor Booking Form

Climbing on Dartmoor Booking Form
Which day would you like to book?

Child - further info

Encompass Training uses photos and video for publicity, educational purposes and to give feedback to staff. Our photo policy is based on NSPCC guidelines. Please tick this box if you do not give permission to take photos of your child. Please tell your child if you have ticked this box.


  • I give my informed consent for my child to take part in this course with Encompass Training SW.
  • I understand that Encompass Training SW is an Outdoor Centre which offers a range of outdoor and adventurous activities which can never be entirely risk free.
  • I give permission for any medical treatment deemed necessary to ensure my child’s wellbeing
  • I declare that the information I have provided is correct and I have not withheld anything
  • Personal data supplied to Encompass Training SW ltd will be used in-line with our GDPR policy
  • My child(ren) agree to co-operate fully with the staff team and to adhere to the safety instructions given to me

We respect your privacy and data protection rights. Please see our privacy policy.

Card Number
Expiry Month
Expiry Year
CVC (last 3 digits on reverse of card)
Please tick to agree
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